Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Metamorphosis of Bebe Gandanghari

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Metamorphosis is a beautiful thing especially for butterflies, and what if it happens to someone who isn't?

January 16, 2009 was a shocker - Rustom Padilla died and Ms. Bebe Gandanghari was born. Well, it's not literally the demise of his earthly body but by his transformation into a mademoiselle.

Bebe Gandanghari has had a fair share of jeers and cheers when she came out and trust me she didn't get what she had bargained for. If you ask me of my opinion well, I RESPECT him.

I respect him because it's his, err.. her choice. In every gay's life the coming out chapter is ALWAYS the hardest as it requires great confidence (and a lot of alcohol). In my case, coming out was no easy feat - having to contend with the worries of the future, the communal stigma and of course acceptance of the family.

I won't judge him of what he has become and by judging him would be detrimental to my own existence. When I notice myself judging others I remember how I feel when others judge me. What if I'm Bebe, would I feel good? The HELL NO!!!

We just don't get it. Do we? We have been too preoccupied by the gender gaps and biases thus forgetting the fundamental issue of having a voice needed to be heard. A human voice that clamors for understanding and acceptance. We have neglected the human side of Bebe and carelessly judged her.

If we can't be happy of what she has become then the very least we could do is to be in touch with our human side and leave her alone.

Just like a butterfly any person whether gay or straight, woman or man, Bebe or Rustom, deserves to change - everything should be fair and square. If it means changing your sexual orientation or belief, so be it! Who knows that change can be good for you.

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